About Us


PT. Satu Medika Pratama

PT Satu Medika Pratama was established on April 6th 2020, PT Satu Medika Pratama is a company that engaged in trade of laboratory equipment, pharmacy, and medical supplies.

PT Satu Medika Pratama always support government and the private sector to improve public’s health through the services, by upholding the quality of products offered.


PT Satu Medika Pratama always support government and the private sector to improve public’s health through the services, by upholding the quality of products offered.


Provide high quality products with the best service
Provide the needs of medical supplies with the best quality and competitive price

PT Satu Medika Pratama has complete licensing or legality both as a distributor of medical devices and as a pharmaceutical wholesaler.



PT. Satu Medika Pratama

Akta Pendirian : No. 01 Tanggal 06 April 2020
Pengesahan Menkumham : No. AHU-0019722.AH.01.01.TAHUN 2020
NIB : No. 0220101491434
SDAK : No. FK.01.01/I/5015-e/2021
NPWP : No. 94.752.870.9-067.000
SPPKP : No. S-190PKP/WJP.04/KP.0403/2020
Sertifikat CDAKB : No. 022010149143400010003
Sertifikat CDOB : CDOB4812/S/4-4581/09/2023
Izin PBF : No. 02201014914340005

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